Determination of activity values of some serum enzymes in breeding Caspian roach

Document Type : Research Paper


Normal values for serum parameters are of great importance in clinical evaluation and diagnosis of diseases in different species, including aquatic animals. In order to determine the normal values for some serum enzymes in Caspian roach, blood samples were collected from peduncles of 25 male and 25 female fish, captured from Tajan river. Following separation of the serum, the values for ALT, AST, ALP, CPK and LDH were determined. In addition to measuring the normal values for the whole population, the values in the male and the female were statistically compared. Possible correlations between different studied parameters in the whole population, as well as within each sex, were also studied. Accordingly, the normal values for the whole population were: AST: 455/00±375-561.3, ALT: 20/00±15.5±34.5, ALP: 101.5±79-150.5, CPK: 241.5±39.5-655/00, LDH: 2163±1701-2727 IU/L. The serum values for ALT, AST and ALP were significantly higher in the male. A significant negative correlation existed between CPK and LDH in both sexes. In the whole population, the values for ALT had significant correlations with those of AST and ALP. The values for ALP and AST were also significantly correlated. The current results provide valuable information regarding the normal values for some serum enzymes in Caspian roach
