The ultrasonographic pregnancy diagnosis and reproductive evaluation in under 4 month pregnancy in river buffalo in-vitro

Document Type : Research Paper


1 DVM Graduate, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Naghadeh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naghadeh, Iran


    This study aimed to evaluate the sizes and dimensions of fetuses and uteruses in under-four-month pregnant river buffalos through ultrasonography by determining their standard values. For the ultrasonographic evaluation of uteruses in under-four-month gravid cows, 24 uteruses of eight age groups were collected from a slaughterhouse and then transported to a laboratory. Each uterus was placed inside a 40-liter water bowl (water bath) and then examined with probes of 6.5 and 8 MHz. The fetal eyeball diameter, skull diameter, lateral and dorsal cotyledon diameters were reported 0.55±0.30 cm, 1.25±0.50 cm, 1.50±1.33 cm, and 1.00±1.10 cm, respectively, in a 47.79±3.41-day-old fetus. The fetal eyeball diameter, skull diameter, lateral and dorsal cotyledon diameters were reported 0.65±0.12 cm, 2.35±1.20 cm, 2.30±1.21 cm, and 2.50±0.65 cm, respectively, in a 76.34±3.4-day-old fetus. The fetal eyeball diameter, skull diameter, lateral and dorsal cotyledon diameters were reported 1.60±0.12 cm, 4.50±1.80 cm, 3.08±0.50 cm, and 3.03±0.75 cm, respectively, in a 105.7±3.2-day-old fetus.  In general, the research results indicated the critical role of ultrasonography as an early diagnostic method for determining the sizes and dimensions of fetuses and uteruses in under-four-month pregnant river buffalos and obtaining their standard values.


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